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Diet & Exercise

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Proper Fitness & Nutrition equals a Healthy Life

According to experts one sixth (1/6) of the world’s population is overweight. Is it because where food is plentiful, and standard of living is high people gain weight?

Why Keep Moving?

Letting your muscles atrophy (waste away) over time is going make living, working and playing very difficult. This is what happens when you get older and don’t exercise. Cutting the lawn is going to feel like running a marathon and going upstairs like climbing a mountain. You have to keep moving till the day you die. If walking is all you can do that’s great!

Individuals should have a fitness and nutrition plan to follow unless you have some pre-condition that hinders exercise. You’ll be surprised how exercising and eating right will help you manage your health and life.

We all need to increase our knowledge in Fitness, Nutrition & Wellness in order to live longer and healthier, hopefully this website can help achieve that goal.

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Omega 3 Dosage

Oranges and Lemons in Bowl plus Bananas

How Much Omega 3 do you Need

You already know the importance of omega-3 fatty acids such as those found in fish oil; but how much fish oil a day do you really need to get the benefits? A new study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology helps to answer this question. Researchers compiled data from more than 40,000 participants in clinical trials.


Weights vs Cardio

Woman jogging on Treadmill listening to iPhone

What is the difference between Weight Training & Cardio

If you have recently joined a gym or you're considering it, you might be wondering if you should focus on lifting weights or cardio exercises. Some fitness experts push people towards one area exclusively while ignoring the other. However, you gain the greatest health benefit by working both into your routine


Vitamin D

Sun shining through a large green plant

Vitamin D Benefits, Foods, Deficiency & Dosage

Vitamin D is a hormone the body synthesizes with the help of sunlight on the skin. Depending on your lifestyle and where you live during the winter months, you may not be getting enough vitamin D from the sun. Under the right circumstances, 10 to 15 minutes of sun on your arms/legs a few times a week can generate almost all the Vitamin D we need. 




One-Per-Day Tablets, 60 tablets

One-Per-Day Multivitamin

Our 1 a day vitamins provide the essential nutrients the body needs. They beat Centrum Silver Adults 50+ in 10 ways: 50 times more vitamin B1, 25 times more vitamin B6...

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• Back Pain Exercises

Gluten Sensitivity

Krill Oil

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Are People getting enough Magnesium?

Magnesium is an trace mineral that is necessary for proper muscle function, healthy bones and a healthy heart. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association...



Is Doing Cardio Everyday a Good Idea

Cardiovascular exercise not only burns calories, but it gives the most important muscle in the body, the heart, a workout. Most people are advised not to do weights ever day to give the...



Looking Beyond Calcium to Prevent Osteoporosis

Close to a third of postmenopausal women in Europe and the US have osteoporosis. If you have a family history of this bone-thinning disease or one of the other risk factors...


Disclaimer: Articles not intended to Diagnose, Treat, Cure or Prevent Diseases.

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